Year 3 Inquiry

year 3 inquiry

In Year3, students have been exploring the uniqueness and similarities of individuals and communities. They are on a journey of self-examination and have been developing their understanding of uniqueness along the way.

Students are using a range of new skills to help answer the classes’ key inquiry questions of…… 
– How do people see themselves?
– How do symbols, events, individuals and places in my community       make it unique?
– How do people contribute to their communities, past and present?

Students have been exploring the many facets of communities through the lens of a ‘Market Place’ and beginning to categorise our understanding of different communities by looking at how symbols, events, individuals and places in each community make it unique.

Last week we had a local market stall holder come in to discuss her business with the class. She presented her business model, products and discussed how her business contributes the local community. ‘Twisted Pots’ was a great example of a small business operating in our local market space. The class were so excited to discuss their new findings with each other and relate these understandings to the learning that has been happening in the classroom. 

Jump online and check out all the products that Twisted Pots has available.

Year 4/5/6 Inquiry – diversity

inquiry on diversity

J1 – YEAR 4 / 5 HAMDAN

In our class we were discussing our right to go to the toilet during class time. Some students admitted that they were scared to ask a teacher to go, that they felt bad interrupting the lesson or had bad previous experiences and didn’t feel brave to ask. This led to asking some bigger questions about our rights as kids. Mr Hamdan shared the UN convention of the Rights of the Child, and we looked at the different articles that connected to the toilet discussion we were having. This made us wonder about ‘how we can raise our voice to make change?’ We started inquiring more into the importance of children being able to go to the toilet at any time and learnt that ‘holding on’ can impact on our health. We believe it should be a right for all children to go to the toilet when they need. This is very supported by our teachers. We connected this learning with the bigger questions of children’s rights and why they exist. We are now thinking deeper and going further in our learning on how we can raise our voice to make change. Next week we have parliamentary role playing to see how laws are made which will help us think about this further.
(Olivia Chambers, Alex Birkett and Mrs Rust)

"If you don't use your voice, things won't change."
Alex - Year 5
"Children have rights and everyone should respect them."
Olivia - Year 5


In our class we have been discussing how we are all diverse.  We found out that we originated from lots of different countries, making us very multicultural. This led us to ask our parents questions about where we originated from and why. This made us think about the different cultures around the world. We generated some open ended questions about a culture that interested us and are in the middle of researching those questions to find and sort out the information. We have learnt how to note take, summarise and work within word limits. We are making choices on how to present our information through word, power-point or SWAY. 

"We are all different, but we are all Australian. We need to acknowledge different cultures and beliefs."
Lara - Year 5
"Being different is interesting, if we were all the same, it would be boring. Learning how different people live their lifestyle at home, how they cook and what their religion is has been an opportunity to go deeper into my learning."
Cody - Year 6
"Everyone is different. Some people have different religions or beliefs, and we need to respect them."
Jazmin - Year 6
"This has made me think about how different we are to each other and how boring it would be if we were all the same. I am starting my research today. I am asking the question 'What problems do the people of Japan have?' I am interested in finding out how their system of government works and how they solve those problems."
Alyra - Year 5

"I have learnt that Australia is not made up of just one culture, that we all originate from different places. Our Government plays an important part in making sure that we are respectful of peoples’ cultures. I am researching India and looking into how their environment is different to Australia’s. I am learning that there are differences not just in people but environments."

Dooley - Year 5
"We need to know about diversity so we can respect each other's beliefs and personalities and not overlook them. They are a very important thing"
Addi - Year 6


In our class we were discussing diversity and how our genetics make us different. This made us think about many things like….

Is celiac a genetic disease?
·         What are the dominant colours in hair and eyes?
·         Are all our characteristics genetic?
·         What role does nature play in our diversity as opposed to nurture?

This led to some independent inquiries into different facets of genetics. Each student came up with 3-5 open ended questions about their concept to research. Now we are sorting out the information to answer the questions we had. We will be using digital technology such as SWAY and PREZZIE presentations to present and share our findings with the rest of the class.
 (Addi Burke, Bella Tsangaris and Mrs Rust)

"Diversity is important because when someone has a different belief to you, you can’t push them to believe yours or judge them because they believe differently to you."

Bella - Year 6

Year 2 Brains!

year two brains!

Year 2s have been inspired by the story The Wizard of Oz and the Scarecrow’s problem
with having a head full a straw.  The
song “If I only had a brain” from the movie The Wizard of Oz has sparked us to
have many wonderings about Our Brains. 
Some of our wonderings are: what does the brain do? Are headaches
growing pains in the brain? How do we remember things? What does the brain look
like and feel like? How did our brain get there? Why can’t we remember being a
baby?  We are looking forward to finding
out the answers to our wonderings

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to our blog!


Year 3 Inquiry

In Year 3, students have been exploring the uniqueness and similarities of individuals and communities. They are on a journey of self-examination and have been developing their understanding of uniqueness along the way.

Dance, Drama and Music!

This year in Early Years Arts (dance, drama and music), we are discovering a variety of communicative skills and strategies. Our focus is on using facial expressions, body language, sounds, movement, props and costumes to convey messages.

Inquiry on Diversity
Years 4,5 and 6

In J1 we have been discussing the rights of children. We have studied the UN convention of the Rights of the Child to help with our investigations and how they apply to our own classroom problems. 

In H1 and H2 we have been discussing how we are all diverse.  We found out that we originated from lots of different countries, making us very multicultural. 

In D block we have been discussing diversity and how our genetics make us different. 

Year 2 Brains

Year 2s have been inspired by the story The Wizard of Oz and the Scarecrow’s problem with having a head full a straw.  The song “If I only had a brain” from the movie The Wizard of Oz has sparked us to have many wonderings about Our Brains…

Year 5/6 Inquiry

The Year 5/6 classes are exploring the concepts of diversity, identity, change and responsibility through their inquiry learning this term. They are think about and asking the big questions: How are we diverse? What are our personal and social responsibilities? Find out more below!