This week your challenge is to use the information that you discovered last week about a plant in your background to create a seed packet. You can use the seed packet template by printing it out or copying it on to a piece of paper with just a ruler and a pencil. Then you need to write down any information you discovered about your plant so that other people could grow it themselves.
Some things to add:
·A colourful picture showing what the grown plant will look like ·The plant’s name ·What conditions it grows under ·Any other interesting facts
I have added some pictures of seed packets some classes have planted in our greenhouse showing the types of information they usually contain.
I also added pictures of the seed packet I created for the Malabar chestnut tree. Once you have completed it you can even fill it up with seeds if you have them!
Keep your seed packets somewhere safe to bring back to school with you and feel free to send me some photos if you can’t wait at
Please watch the video where I share my discoveries about the Malabar Chestnut tree.
Your challenge is to explore your own backyard and choose one plant to investigate. It can be a tree, a bush, a vine, grass, a native or flowering plant.
Find out: – What it’s called – Where it’s from – Its life cycle – Any other interesting facts
Draw with detail the plant, and any flowers or fruit. You can do this work in your learning books, as a poster or a pamphlet, or you can type it up and email it to Ms Draper at